sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - David Fincher (2008)

There's a short story with the same title written by Scott Fitzerald. Ah!, you knew... The matter is that there's only one point in common between film and book: An old man is born young and in the end a babyboy dies old. Or maybe the other way around. The Scott Fitzerald piece is completely different (indeed it is a funny one) so we must give the credit to Eric Roth, the screenwriter. And to David Fincher, of course. It's a long movie about time passing and human beings, quite dramatic and well done except for a little detail... the imposibility of the becoming young instead of old. But I'm ready to admit that fantasy do us good and once you are in the game you can watch the whole story and enjoy it.

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