sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

"Idazten ari dela idazten duen idazlea" eta "Euskaldun guztion aberria"- Iban Zaldua

Bi baten, horrela suertatu delako. Azkenengoa irakurri dut, ipuinak gustatu, eta nobelatxoa irakurri dut gero. Ipuinak, onak, metaliteratura petoa. Izenburua ulertzeko zenbait bider astiro aztertu behar izan dut. Nobelatxoa (nouvelle) atsegina, kontatzeko trebetasuna ezin ukatu. Dena dela akats bat nabaria egin zait (akats edo), hau da hiruzpalau bider trikimailu berbera erabiltzen du: Idatzita errealitatea bihurtzen delako hori.

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

En la casa - François Ozon (2012)

Bien urdida historia con un profesor de literatura que anima y guía a un alumno con cualidades para escribir; aunque como suele suceder la cosa se complica al mezclarse ficción y realidad e influir misteriosamente la una en la otra y viceversa. Hasta seis personajes interactúan en las vicisitudes que acaban de un modo un tanto desmadrado pero acorde con el toque fantástico de toda la peli. Bien por Ozon.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Canada - Richard Ford

Great novel about life that happens in Montana and Canada. A boy looking for his future and taking things as they come. And he tells us in his own words a lifetime later when he's retiring after being a teacher. The memory of summer and fall back in 1960 when some really surprising events take place and his world turns upside down.

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

Paper festa - Angel Lertxundi

Eskarmentuarenak festa handiagoa izan ziren niretzat, gaiak antzekoak izan arren. Nahiago burutapenak zuzenean jasoak, aitorpen xumeen moduan, narrazio txikien bidez baino. Dena dela atsegina izan da irakurtzea, Lertxundiren maisutasuna tarteko.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Django Unchained - Quentin Tarantino (2012)

Italian style western by Tarantino. That means, you know, good script, good cinematography, appropiate music and some bullet and blood showers; the last not being everybody's cup of tea. The most atractive character is not Django, in my view, but the well spoken and clever Dr Schultz. The story is well developed and interest is maintained along the nearly three hours it runs. Enjoyable if you forget for a while about ethics.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Mussche - Kirmen Uribe

Bere lehenengo "nobela"ren arabera, bigarren honetan ere benetan gertatutakoak adierazten dira. Abiapuntua 37an Euskaditik ihes egindako umeak baldin badira ere, gazte belgikar baten historioa kontatzen du Uribek. Eta baita ondo kontatu ere, modu sentibera eta erritmoa zaintzen. Literaturarekin maiteminduta dagoen baten lana.

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Light in August - William Faulkner

No trace of the long-named-county here although I suppose it's the same old south right away. The story runs in the depression days concerning a young girl who is searching for the father of her oncoming child. She's coming from Alabama and will end up in Tennessee. In the middle some events take place in Jefferson, Mississippi. But the girl Lena is only a second rate character in the novel. A mix of tormented literature and engaging narrative with the racism assumed as natural by the locals.