sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2020

Scenes from Provincial Life - J. M. Coetzee

John Maxwell at his best, all three autobiographical novels, Boyhood, Youth and Summertime, in one book. The making of a writer with the tragedy of an Anglo-Afrikaner soul in the South Africa of the appartheid. The portrait we contemplate is that of a rather gloomy, tormented, gifted, lonely "he" who happens to have many things in common with the author.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

Gilles de Rais - Anjel Lertxundi

Lehenago ere bazituen Lertxundik ongiari eta gaizkiari, zeruari eta infernuari buruzko kontakizun sinboliko batzuk. Baten bat irakurri eta ezer gutxi ulertu nuen orduan. Oraingo honetan istorioa bigarren gerra karlistan kokatzen da eta antzezlan bat da Vincent aktoreak dana kontatzeko eta bere burutazioak garatzeko aitzakia . Euskara aberatsa, jakina, garaia eta pertsonaiak primeran marraztuak. Zergatiak, auskalo.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

Desperate Characters - Paula Fox

Here we spend a weekend with the Brentwoods, mostly with the wife, Sophia. It's New York in the seventies, some fifty years ago.  Sophia and Otto are quite a sophisticated couple in their forties and in a general anxious frame of mind. It seems that society is falling apart and their marriage is also in some way in danger. It must be read more than once.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020

El infinito en un junco - Irene Vallejo

Documentadísimo ensayo sobre la historia de la escritura y los soportes que se han ido sucediendo a lo largo del tiempo, tablilla, papiro, pergamino... Al mismo tiempo repasa personajes, obras literarias y bibliotecas con profusión de anécdotas poco conocidas. Un gran trabajo de divulgación.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2020

Ways of Escape - Graham Greene

Autobiographical. The author claims to have used writing as a way to escape the anguish inherent in life. And if that wasn't enough, travel as a second option. So those are the two topics he covers here, his books and some of his more adventurous travels. Meanwhile he shows himself in some way.