viernes, 28 de agosto de 2020

The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas - Gertrude Stein

This Gertrude was a teaser and, having asked her longlife companion Alice B.Toklas to write her autobiography and having this one put off the task over and over again, she decided to write it herself, and even more, she decided to write it in a simple way so that everyone could understand it. So this is an account of their life and the people they met and the books that she, Gertrude, wrote. All written in a pleasant enough way.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020

Asymmetry - Lisa Halliday

Two parts and a coda complete this asymmetral novel. First one is named "Folly" and the folly is a love story inspired, they say, by the author's knowledge of Philip Roth, the famous womanizer (and writer). Second part is "Madness", and we are talking here about real madness in the real world, the narrator is an american of Iraqi origin. The coda is a delightful interview for the BBC radio show "Desert Island Discs", with Ezra Blazer (the writer of "Folly") talking freely about the music he loves. I've enjoyed it altogether.

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2020

Amores - Paul Léautaud

Novela que en realidad es una memoria de su vida de los diecisiete a los veinte años. El eje es la historia de su primer amor, pero cuentan también amigos, familia y trabajo. Su estilo es sencillo, desenfadado y directo. Da la impresión de que no corrige nada, lo suelta y punto. De paso es también una lección de la geografía parisina a finales del siglo XIX.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2020

Goldsmithen ikaslea - Joxean Agirre Odriozola

Idazlearen ohiko gaiez aparte (metaliteratura nagusiki) hemen erotismoa landu nahi izan du Joxean Agirrek, asmo ulergarria euskaraz gutxi idatzi baita gai horri buruz, nik uste. Batasun falta duela nobela honek deritzot, batez ere lekuz kanpo Euskal Herrian zehar kontatzen den txangoak, baina birtute handi bat aitortu behar zaio: prosa ederra darabil, irakurtzeak plazera ematen duena.

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2020

Reir es la única salida - Andreu Buenafuente

No hay chistes, ni monólogos en este libro que podría ser una crónica social, por los nombres en negrita de tanta gente, o un libro de autoayuda, por las frases enmarcadas (que invitan a no leer el resto). Simpatizo con Buenafuente en sus buenas intenciones, en general tiene más razón que un santo, pero como obra literaria no va muy lejos.

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2020

The Easter Parade - Richard Yates

Sarah and Emily are the Grimes sisters, and maybe "grim" is a good adjetive when it comes to describing the general picture of their lives. Emily is the main character here, and luckier than Sarah, or not so miserable. The story of her life is beautifully written, things happen, people grow old and eventually die. Living in America in the 20th century, but it applies to everyone else. I have loved it.

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020

Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons

Originally a parody of a popular kind of novel, some rural romance, it now stands out on its own. Flora Poste visits Cold Comfort Farm and decides to save everyone from the peculiar lives they endure. It's not that the characters are really complete and believable, but they sure do serve the plot and contribute their Sussex accent to the rather brilliant prose.