Alde batetik, Garzesek ohiko eleberri beltza idatzi du eta bestetik, bi osagai berri ekarri ditu platerera: mendizaletasuna eta Asperger sindromearen tanta batzuk. Bizpahiru topaketa erotiko sutsuk pikantea jartzen dute.
domingo, 30 de abril de 2023
viernes, 28 de abril de 2023
A Rogue's Life - Wilkie Collins
A short novel by this Victorian-era writer that narrates in the first person the mischievous behavior of this character who recognizes himself as a rogue. The vicissitudes are quite predictable and old-fashioned nowadays but the English language is used beautifully.
lunes, 24 de abril de 2023
Nos vemos allá arriba - Pierre Lemaitre
Entretenida novela que ganó el premio Goncourt. Además de la trama cercana al folletín y a la comedia es un buena descripción de como eran las cosas en la Francia del final de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
sábado, 22 de abril de 2023
Azken etxea - Arantza Urretabizkaia
Meritu xelebre bat dauka liburu honek: zahartzaroari aurre egiteko moduari buruzko kontakizun bat espioien eleberria bihurtzea. Hortaz aparte, idazkera idazleak ohi duen bezain txukuna da.
miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023
FrancisPlug: How to Be a Public Author - Paul Ewen
A comic book with most of the Booker Prize winners as supporting actors. Francis Plug plans to become a writer himself and this is his book to be, a recounting of those famous authors' public appearences in front of their readers. The problem is that Plug is a chaotic gardener and a disaster-prone alcoholic (and it's worth remembering that alcoholism is not fun at all).
sábado, 15 de abril de 2023
La noche repetida - Manuel Peyrou
Cuentos entre los que el del título fue muy elogiado por Borges, amigo del autor. Son narraciones policiales en la línea de las de Borges/Bioy Casares. Consigue crear una atmósfera inquietante. Al fondo la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
martes, 11 de abril de 2023
Birds of America - Lorrie Moore
There aren't too many birds in this short story collection but the title is beautiful enough. The setting is the America (meaning the United States) of some twenty years ago which looks not less eerie than today's. The protagonists, mainly female, battle through the eventful stories narrated with incesaant wit.
jueves, 6 de abril de 2023
Itzalen distira - Arrate Egaña
Zortzi narraziok osatzen dute liburua. Atseginak suertatu zaizkit, ondo kontatuak eta misterio puntu batekin. Iruzkin eta zertzelada interesgarriak nonahi. Hizkuntza erraz eta eranginkorrean idatzita.
domingo, 2 de abril de 2023
The Singularities - John Banville
The title itself is an echo of another Banville novel, The Infinities, and the plot and characters also come from that novel and a few others by the author. The general approach is humorous and the writing as brilliant as ever, if not easy to follow.