miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

How To Be A Woman - Caitlin Moran

Not that I need to know, I mean for myself, but of course I wanted to know and now I know a little more than before. And having a good time because Caitlin Moran is funny and she knows. Even is she is not forty yet she tells her experiences and points of view about that not at all easy task of being a professional and a woman at once, motherhood included.

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Puro fútbol - Roberto Fontanarrosa

Como su título indica se trata de una recopilación de los cuentos humorísticos y futbolísticos del argentino Fontanarrosa. Deduzco del texto que Roberto era "canalla" (del Rosario Central). El estilo es oral y desopilante y el final de varios me ha hecho soltar la carcajada. Para amantes del fútbol y del español rioplatense.

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

La ridícula idea de no volver a verte - Rosa Montero

Dos pérdidas, la de Pierre Curie y la de Pablo. Madame Curie escribió algunas páginas para desahogarse tras la muerte de Pierre. Rosa Montero las glosa y se desahoga ella misma a su vez. El producto un libro testimonio, literario, que incluye una biografía humana de Marie Curie. Ameno e interesante para todos los públicos.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

A Memoir - Isaac Asimov

The autobiography of Asimov, the man who wrote. He himself insisted that writing was the only thing he wanted to do. Anyway he got time to have a lot of friends, give a lot of talks and tell a lot of jokes. And he wrote all the time. No doubt he was a kind of genius and maybe it was necessary to be self centered and vain to keep his rythm. So there were only two modes with him, love or hate. The book goes smoothly enough as most of his.